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With roughly half a million residents living in and around the state’s capital, central Arkansas offers your business a strong existing market as well as new market reach potential.

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Commuting within Pulaski County but don’t want to deal with traffic congestion and delays? Want to save money on gas? Try Park and Ride!

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You aren’t alone! Public transit use is on the rise, even in little ol’ central Arkansas. And we’re here to help!

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Benefits of Public Transit

Benefits of Public Transit

Whether you use the Rock Region METRO system or not, you benefit from public transit. Public transit contributes to our area’s economic development by taking people to their jobs, education, health care, shopping and other activities. It is also a sustainable, environmentally friendly practice that helps reduce carbon dioxide emissions. And, it’s a great way to use your commute time for business or recreational activities (surfing the Internet, listening to music, reading), save money, avoid traffic and parking hassles, and even achieve a healthier lifestyle.

In economic development impact alone, public transit creates jobs, improves access to employees, increases property value, saves money and improves access to services.

More on the Benefits of Public Transit

The American Public Transportation Association has great research on the benefits of public transit, including their research publication, The Business Case for Investment in Public Transportation. According to this publication, since 2004, transit use has grown more than the U.S. population or highway travel. The Center for Transportation Excellence also has a great consolidated list of research on benefits of public transit, including reports by category, such as this list of reports on the relationship between public transportation and the economy. The Millennials and Mobility report on the CFTE site is just one of several reports demonstrating the economic benefits of expanding and increasing public transit options in a community. The U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Transit Administration website also provides a wealth of resource information on the benefits of public transit, including information on transit and environmental sustainability.

Tuesday, March 25 Service Alert Read More
Why public transportation? Stories from our riders