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With roughly half a million residents living in and around the state’s capital, central Arkansas offers your business a strong existing market as well as new market reach potential.

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Tired of Traffic?

Commuting within Pulaski County but don’t want to deal with traffic congestion and delays? Want to save money on gas? Try Park and Ride!

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New to METRO?

You aren’t alone! Public transit use is on the rise, even in little ol’ central Arkansas. And we’re here to help!

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New Riders

New to Rock Region METRO or Public Transit? Let’s Get You Where You Need to Go

Learn how to plan your trip, check schedules and pay your fare, then enjoy our free WiFi while you let the professionals handle your commute! Click here for the text only version of this METRO 101 cheat sheet.

You’re Not Alone

Public transit use is on the rise, even in little ol’ central Arkansas. With rising costs, environmental concerns and the stress of commuting, more people are taking another look at transit. And we’re here to help you!

Some Planning Involved

Like almost anything else in life, public transit use requires you to do some prepwork. You’ll want to learn what the best route is for your normal haunts and arm yourself with the tools to take the guesswork out of trip planning and schedule-tracking. Using our schedules and maps, fare and pass information, real-time arrival information tools and service alerts, it’s easy, and we’re working hard to keep improving our customers’ public transit experiences.

Stay Informed

This website, our Facebook and Twitter pages and our news updates help keep you informed on the latest happenings at Rock Region METRO. Sign up for our enewsletter at the bottom of this page to receive METRO updates in your Inbox. We send enewsletters roughly once a month, and you can unsubscribe at any time.

Expect the Unexpected

Life happens, and savvy transit riders are ready: When major events or weather cause a change to the system, our riders can get the latest updates on route changes and other alerts by watching our home page for alerts, checking our Facebook and Twitter accounts and downloading our mobile app, which offers push technology for up-to-date information.

Ride without Fear

It is our team’s desire that your transit experience be safe, reliable, convenient and efficient. Our operators undergo extensive safety training, we have off-duty police officers at our River Cities Travel Center during hours of operation and occasionally riding on our buses in plain clothes, we have a Code of Conduct and enforce it, and we have video and audio monitoring on all buses and streetcars.

Get Your Perks

Make sure you take advantage of your commute to the fullest extent by using our free WiFi on the METRO Local buses and taking your bike along when the mood strikes.

Let Us Know What We’ve Missed

Use our contact form at the bottom of the page to ensure we are doing all we can to keep our riders informed. What did we leave out? We rely on our riders to let us know.

Tuesday, March 25 Service Alert Read More
Why public transportation? Stories from our riders