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Fares & Passes

Most of the costs of our public transit system are not charged to Rock Region METRO riders. The cities of Little Rock, North Little Rock and Conway; Pulaski County; the federal government and the state of Arkansas all offset the true cost of a ride on a Rock Region METRO bus, paratransit or microtransit vehicle, or streetcar.

Fares and other direct revenue such as advertising help fund roughly 9 percent of the annual agency budget. The Rock Region METRO board and staff work hard to provide riders with a significant cost savings for their transportation by offering great value in per ride fares. Riders are encouraged to save even more money with multi-day and multi-ride passes that offer savings over per ride fares, in service areas where they are offered. Because fare revenue contributes to the METRO annual operating budget, making vital transit service possible, METRO does not provide free bus or microtransit passes or service to individuals, private nonprofits, public agencies and other organizations. Please do not solicit METRO employees for free or specially discounted passes or service.

METRO Local Bus and METRO Connect Little Rock/North Little Rock/Hensley Microtransit Fares

Adult One Way $1.35
Ages 5-11 $0.60
Ages 4 and Younger FREE
Transfer $0.05
Discount One Way* (Applies to Half-Price Fare Discounts Only, Not Student Discounts, Which Are Not Half-Price) $0.65
Day Pass $3.75
Adult 10-Ride Pass $11.50
Adult 31-Day Pass $36.00
Discount 10-Ride Pass* $5.75
Discount 31-Day Pass* $18.00
Student 31- Day Pass* $19.50

METRO Connect Sherwood Microtransit Fare

Adult One Way $2.00 Exact Change
Ages 4 and Younger FREE
PASS FARE (Virtual Passes Only Via the Token Transit App) PRICE
Adult One Way $2.00
Ages 4 and Younger FREE

METRO Connect Conway Microtransit Fare

Adult One Way $2.00 Exact Change
Ages 4 and Younger FREE
PASS FARE (Virtual Passes Only Via the Token Transit App) PRICE
Adult One Way $2.00
Ages 4 and Younger FREE

METRO Streetcar Fares

METRO Streetcar rides are fare-free, thanks to the Cities of Little Rock and North Little Rock and Pulaski County and the METRO Streetcar sponsors.

METRO Links Paratransit Fares

One-Way $2.70
Round-Trip $5.40
10-Ride Pass $25

Little Rock/North Little Rock 10-Ride Pass Use

10-Ride Pass Use: Please note riders may use a physical 10-Ride METRO fare pass for two separate riders by inserting the same pass into the farebox multiple times, totaling the number of riders using the pass. Riders may not use a virtual 10-Ride pass for multiple riders, though, as there is a technological constraint tied to the use of virtual passes that makes it logistically impossible to count multiple pass rides correctly as paid fares for our farebox accounting needs. For multiple riders wishing to use 10-Ride virtual passes using the same smartphone, there must be one 10-Ride pass purchased per rider, and one ride on each of the separate virtual passes must be activated to ride. Day passes are limited to one rider per pass, for either physical or virtual day passes.

 *Disability and Discount Fares

Rock Region METRO offers disability and discount fares for Little Rock/North Little Rock bus and microtransit service to persons with disabilities, persons 65 and older, Medicare recipients, students (defined as persons 12 or older who are enrolled in a public, private or charter middle, junior high or high school, including home school programs) and instructors who provide transit training to riders. Click here for the Disability Discount Fare Application (for disability-based discounts). Click here for the Discount Fare Application (for Medicare-, age- and student-based discounts). Click here for the Disability Discount Fare Application Spanish-language version (for disability-based discounts). Click here for the Discount Fare Application Spanish-language version. This form is also available at the River Cities Travel Center, 310 E. Capitol Ave., Little Rock. Riders approved for a disability or discount fare pass will be issued a photo ID by Rock Region METRO and will be required to show the ID on each boarding to receive discounted fares. Please Note: To keep the pass sales line moving efficiently at the travel center during peak travel times, the travel center will only accept discount fare pass applications and make discount fare application photo IDs between 9 and 11 a.m. and 2 and 4 p.m. The METRO team may take up to five business days to process discount fare applications. Replacement METRO-issued photo ID cards for current ID-holders can be purchased at the travel center for $10.

Special Fare Agreements

Rock Region METRO has fare agreements with the UA – Little Rock, UA – Pulaski Technical College, Shorter College and Philander Smith University that allow full-time enrolled students to ride Little Rock and North Little Rock bus and microtransit service for “free” (with a pass paid for by the respective universities/college). METRO also has fare agreements with the Little Rock School District for students, faculty and staff to ride; with eStem Schools that allows all eStem students and staff members to ride; and the North Little Rock School District that allows all NLRSD high school students to ride. Learn more by visiting our Frequently Asked Questions section and clicking on Fares & Passes, then Student Passes.

Transfer Passes for Little Rock and North Little Rock Service

What is a transfer pass? If your transit route or zone doesn’t take you as far as your destination, you may have to transfer to another route or zone to complete your trip. A time-sensitive transfer pass is issued to provide service between two points not served by a single route or zone. Each transfer pass costs 5 cents and must be purchased when you get on the first bus of your trip and pay your fare. Transfer passes cannot be used for a return trip. METRO transfer passes expire within two hours of purchase.

Buy a Pass

Save even more money with Little Rock/North Little Rock multi-ride passes that offer savings over per ride fares.

Did You Know? You can buy and send Rock Region METRO day passes (for Little Rock, North Little Rock and Conway service) or multi-day and multi-ride passes (Little Rock and North Little Rock only) to others’ smartphones for no extra charges via tokentransit.com. Simply enter the rider’s 10-digit smartphone number. Pass recipients will be alerted instantly via text message to download the free Token Transit app in the Apple App Store or Google Play Store, and their pass will be waiting for them within the app. Purchasers’ payment information remains private and secure, and riders get the pass instantly — no pickup appointments required! The Token Transit app requires riders to have iPhone iOS 9.0 or later or Android 5.0 or later and Internet access via a data package that allows for in-app pass verification. It’s the perfect solution for the on-the-go transit rider who carries a charged smartphone.

Or, visit our online store to order a physical pass and have it mailed to you.

Payment Information

The River Cities Travel Center and Rock Region METRO Administration Office accept cash, check and debit or credit card payments for passes.

Exact change is required for all cash transactions on METRO Connect Conway vehicles.

Exact change is suggested on all Little Rock/North Little Rock METRO Local and Express bus trips. For Little Rock/North Little Rock service, a redeemable change card will be issued for any change amounts of $1 or more. Change cards can be used for fare payments and/or redeemed for their cash value at the Rock Region METRO Administration Office (901 Maple St., North Little Rock, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.) or the River Cities Travel Center (310 E. Capitol Ave., Little Rock, Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.).

Exact change is required for all cash transactions on METRO Links paratransit vans.

Conway service riders may make on board payments via exact cash or virtual one-ride passes only. Little Rock and North Little Rock METRO Local bus and microtransit service riders may make on board payments via cash, passes or virtual passes only. METRO Streetcar rides are fare-free. METRO Links riders may make on board payments via cash, checks or passes.

Rock Region METRO passes are non-refundable, not for resale and non-transferable.

Bulk Passes

Organizations wishing to purchase METRO passes in bulk (sales of 20 passes or more) for Little Rock and North Little Rock service may do so in various ways: Visit our online store and have passes mailed directly to an address, visit tokentransit.com and send passes to recipients via text and the Token Transit smartphone app, or call the METRO Customer Service Department Mondays-Fridays, 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. to place an order and make arrangements to pick it up at a later date (usually no more than three business days beyond the order date). Bulk passes orders are for regular-price passes only; individual riders may qualify for pass discounts; see the above Disability and Discount Fares paragraph and the Special Fare Agreements paragraph for more information. There are no bulk passes for METRO Connect Conway service, as there are only two forms of payment for that service: Exact cash or using a virtual Token Transit pass, as stated in the table above.

METRO Hosts Conway Hiring Event Monday, March 31 Read More
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